Search for Real UFOs, Real Alien Existence?: Nibiru Planet X Pole Shift on Dec 21 2012?

No Memesis End-of-the-World Pole Shift or for Dec 21 2012?

12-21-12 Winter Solstice Apocalypse
Name this World

It's all a part of the same 2012 Phenomenon that has everyone willing to entertain any of these notions has a nagging question on his or her mind, "Does the world end in 2012?" And I want to surmise the answer is "not likely," but I want to know what you think about Doomsday 2012.

The world didn't end.

This is good news, people!
What's next, what is the next doomsday scenario or End-of-the-World nonsense are people going to latch on to next? Is there some other 2012 South American (or Central American, I guess that's okay) some sort of legend or great philosophy that's going to have people acting all stupid again?

One hopes not.

But just in case - if you know of one, let me know in the comments. I'm amassing some really interesting quotes and comments from people about the constant Doomsday and Armageddon crap we've all had to hear about for the past few years. I'd love to know what to look for in the future - perhaps meteorites or comets crashing to Earth for our Big Finish? Aliens and Extraterrestrials invading our bodies or minds? Perhaps there's an old legend of Godzilla's cousin Dudzilla coming to kill us all?

...I wonder if he goes by "Duddy." I think that's a good nick name for a giant radioactive lizard.

Know any Good Doomsday Scenarios coming up?

Anyway, comment below if you have some info about any impending world-ending events. Thanks in advance, and maybe together we can finally put an end to nonsense like Doomsdays, the Rapture (or as I call it, the Rupture), and certainly the Zombie Apocalypse or Killer Influenza Infections.

What? Those are real? Really??? Ooh... should I get a shot?

Or is it too late?!?

(cues sinister music)

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