The Poop Monsters from Titan
The Poop Monsters from Titan
by Robert Hughey (Google+)
Titan: Saturn's Largest Moon |
(This was the First Post to this Blog, now with just A little editing and updating. Still not as funny to women as it is to men. No clue why. Think it's something to do with the word "poop"...maybe? That is my guess, oh speaking of which...)
(flushes toilet)
The What?!?
Well, it is a Comedy Blog after all. But are Poop Monsters funny?
And Yes, that is the name of the the first blog post to Super Science Space Tech Laugh, Go! It makes sense as you get deeper up in or down the dark recesses of this post.
Maybe given the pooptastic subject matter, that may seem like a poor choice of words. Hey, it's not like I started talking about Chocolate Pudding or anything.
Oh, guess I kinda did, after all.
Subject CHANGE!
Gliese 581 g in the Goldilocks Zone
NASA has been busy finding exciting and confusing developments for us.
Perhaps you've already been aware, but the exoplanet Gliese 581-g is a nearby planet (around the star Gliese 581, apparently) of particular note to us Earthlings. What is so impressive about it? Well, it's in the All-Important "Goldilocks Zone," which is the distance from its parent star that is neither "too hot" nor "too cold." Rather: it is Just Right. But just right for what? Planets in the Goldilocks Zone are the right distance from their stars to have the right temperatures for liquid water to exist - rather than steam or ice.
Perhaps you've already been aware, but the exoplanet Gliese 581-g is a nearby planet (around the star Gliese 581, apparently) of particular note to us Earthlings. What is so impressive about it? Well, it's in the All-Important "Goldilocks Zone," which is the distance from its parent star that is neither "too hot" nor "too cold." Rather: it is Just Right. But just right for what? Planets in the Goldilocks Zone are the right distance from their stars to have the right temperatures for liquid water to exist - rather than steam or ice.
English: Gliese 581 d, water-rich (?) rocky planet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Water! With liquid water one would also hope and imagine the potential to find life as we know it or places in the cosmos humans could colonize.
Liquid Water Up Your Habitable Zone
This is exciting and worth learning more about, seeing as how liquid water is so important to all of us living organisms here on Earth. It is essential to all the life we are aware of so far on Earth and in our explorations. Liquid water oceans and fresh waterways allowed our species to evolve to a point where you came across a post about poop and Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Speaking of Saturn's Moon Titan
On a side but oddly related note: I remember years ago I attempted to write an interesting short story that proposed other compounds that may be substituted for liquid water that could allow life to develop and prosper on planets much closer or even farther from their parent stars than our essential Goldilocks Zone.
One of my early Sci-Fi efforts suggested liquid methane (CH4) as a substitute for water. I think this was based on my sincere wish for life to have developed on the beautiful moon of Titan (of Saturn) alongside us here on Earth.
Funny Blog Post about the Methane Seas on Saturn's Moon Titan
Unfortunately, as I progressed the story I realized the flawed and embarrassing mistake I was making. Methane Seas, really? I could just imagine the lines in the first professional review of this unfortunate fiction:
Ah... Sci-fi Critics of my Imagination
- "Methane, sir? So am I to understand that your version of little green aliens are going to be made out of liquid farts?"
- "Robert, it'd be better to call them The Poop Monsters from Titan!"
- "Instead of Saturn or the moon Titan, don't you think your story's setting should probably be Uranus..."
Yes, yes... I did.
Feel free to enjoy a moment to take that all in.
Yes, i am utterly without shame. Thank you.
Feel free to enjoy a moment to take that all in.
Yes, i am utterly without shame. Thank you.
NASA Missions interrupt my Comedy Blog
Kepler Space Telescope |
Back to Science of Gliese 581 g the Earth-like Planet
Regardless, the important discussion about Gliese 581's Earth-like planets should recall that they are very near us here on Earth, relatively speaking, and perhaps they could support our kind of life.
Currently the NASA Kepler Space Telescope is involved in a mission (launched in 2009 and to be completed in 2016) searching our nearby section of the Galaxy for Earth-like planets in the habitable zones around their parent stars.
Image if we find many more planets like Gliese 581 g!
(UPDATE: Oh, we did. Many, many more exoplanets. Details @ Exoplanet Discoveries)
What a blast it will be if we can visit one day!
Though now that I think about it: perhaps "blast" is a word I should avoid using in the closing of this article.
Image if we find many more planets like Gliese 581 g!
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What a blast it will be if we can visit one day!
Though now that I think about it: perhaps "blast" is a word I should avoid using in the closing of this article.
Yeah, that would probably be best.
All comments adored and appreciated! :)
RWH - 9/10/12
So what did you think? Too bawdy? Fun? Boring? Tell me! :)
It was a delightful read, always clever and educational. I think Im gonna have to learn more about thus Au Lox Zone...
Oh... the Au (As in GOLD) Lox (as in that makes no sense) zone! Awesome Game UFO Science Fun, POW!
Oh sorry... I think I was just naming my next blog or something.
UFOs ate my lizard, so be sure to wear a hard hat.
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